
【言靈】之教師節快樂~ (在以下這句我翻譯的阿拉丁 “阿拉伯之夜”歌詞中,我將you翻譯成我們,是因為我國小吳美妹老師教的道理,本文下方"註解"中詳述) 【歌詞翻譯】會有相應的一條因我們所願而主宰之力量,來帶領我們通往好或貪婪之路; 到底是要釋出負面的黑暗、或尋找未知之運氣,我們的命運仰賴在我們自己的手裡。(Lyrics)There's a road that may lead you to good or to greed through the power your wishing commands. Let the darkness unfold or find fortunes untold, well, your destiny lies in your hands.

【註解】翻譯法中有以翻譯者為中心translator-oriented或以作者為中心author-centered,我在這句中將you 翻譯成我們,即不以作者原文為翻譯重心,而是以翻譯者我的想法來翻譯,而會促成我如此翻譯之原因為 “國小三年級班導吳美妹老師教導我們全班、也影響我很深很重要的道理”:

某次上課時,班上某位(或某些)同學指出另一位(或另一些)同學犯了什麼錯(是誰,或到底是多少人指出多少人的錯已經不記得了,所以這樣寫),時任我們班導的吳美妹老師就馬上教全班: “指出別人的錯和跟別人講要怎麼做時,要說 “我們”錯在哪裡、“我們”要怎麼做,而不是指責別人說“你你你”犯了什麼錯、“你你你”要怎麼做這樣命令別人”,一直都記得老師這樣教後,我們全班同學就真的照著老師教的這樣說話了(雖然也有些時候沒有這樣說話,但像吳老師教的這樣說話的時刻真的是呈現戲劇性的增長)。

後來發生的事就如同我在<<銅鑼國小-六年戊班 >>那一篇文章中說的一樣: 當年國小三年級才同班的我們(國小二年級結束時分班,所以大家都是新同學,不是已經同班過一、兩年以上的同學),在運動會上就得到了代表團結的<<精神總錦標>>(對國小三年級的學生而言,精神總錦標應該是最大的獎項了); 之後我們戊班也幾乎年年運動會都得精神總錦標,且我們班參加各種比賽都蠻團結、蠻常得獎的……

只是 “將你,改成我們”的這兩字之差,竟然有如此巨大的影響力/神秘力量,這就是所謂的 “言靈”,也是厲害的管理方法(無論是對個人或群體),不需要任何的成本,只需要改變一、兩個字,就能更加凝聚任何個體或任何組織的向心力。

對比很多人知道的因老師/老闆自己的私心而分裂同學/職員能對團體付出貢獻、分裂同學/職員友情、甚至公開給學生/職員難看的老師/老闆-------- 這樣做的老師/老闆不僅傷害了自身在學生/職員間的威望、讓學生/職員失望和害怕卻又礙於前途而不敢出聲,更讓那些組織流失好些優秀人才、沒能多元化發展/或多元化的腳步很慢。
教師節快樂! 所有老師教師節快樂! 所有教別人事情的人也都教師節快樂!
【Word Spirits】Happy Teachers’ Day~ (In the following one sentence of english-to-chinese translation in lyrics of <<Arabic Nights>> in the movie Aladdin, I translate “you” in English into “we” in Chinese due to a principle my 3rd grade teacher, Miss Wu Mei-Mei, taught the whole class. Below lies the more thorough explanation. (Lyrics)There's a road that may lead you to good or to greed through the power your wishing commands. Let the darkness unfold or find fortunes untold, well, your destiny lies in your hands.

【Annotation】In translation method, there is translator-oriented translation and author-centered translation. In this lyrics translation, that I translate “you” in English into “我們We” in Chinese is based upon my thought, translator’s ideas to translate instead of the original composer’s literal word. The reason that led me to translate this way is a principle my 3rd grade teacher, Miss Wu Mei-Mei, taught us the whole class, which also influence me deeply and significantly.

On a class back to 3rd grade in primary school, a classmate or some classmates pointed out another classmate or a group of other classmates made some mistakes(I do not remember how many people pointed out how many other classmates, which is why I write this way.) Then our homeroom teacher, Miss Wu Mei-Mei, taught the class immediately: “Whenever you have to point out others’ mistakes or tell others how to do anythin, say “what mistakes “we” made, how “we” have to do”, instead of pointing out or ordering others “you” made what mistakes, “you” have to do what.” I always remember ever since the teacher taught this precious lesson to us, the whole class really followed(though certainly sometimes some did not do so, but the moments for us to follow this guide really increased dramatically.

What happened later was just like what I had recounted in <<銅鑼國小Tong-Lo Primary School >>: at that time we were 3rd grade students(the class was conglomerated after the end of 2nd grade, so we are all new to the class, not that we had been in the same class for more than 1 or 2 years); on our 3rd-grade school sports day, our class won the best trophy that exalted our unity and support to each other(to 3rd grade students, this was the biggest trophy); after 3rd grade, our class almost won the same trophy every year as well; in addition, our class participated and won many kinds of competitions with unity and honor.

The practice of just replacing you with we did make such a huge difference, influence that “word spirits” could really be called mystical power; it is also an astonishing management method both to individuals and groups. With no cost but just a word or two, we can strengthen solidarity of any groups, organizations, and so forth.

Conspicuous contrast is, as many people know, to some teachers/bosses who sabotage their students’/employees’ efforts and possible contributions to their organizations due to their selfish motives, who undermine the relationship among their students/employees or even publicly humiliate their students/employees. Teachers/bosses who do this not only hurt their own prestige in their groups and among their students/employees, but also disappoint and intimidate their students/employees without even say a word considering their future development in the field. Worse, the group/organization loses many excellent talents, sacrifices diverse and various developments or changes very slowly and slightly.
Happy Teachers’Day! Happy Teachers’ Day to all teachers! Happy Teachers’ Day to all who teach others!

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