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所以分享給大家看這支影片,尤其現今孩子從小就用3C,也有很多學生因為怕被爸媽罵,就偷偷關燈玩手機,這實在是太危險了!!! 我也因為這位youtuber的經驗分享,搜尋了不少視網膜剝離的資料和影片,覺得視網膜剝離真是恐怖啊~


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無關政治,能教人的都推,只因學校不會教人事的陰暗面: 有些年輕的孩子們因為相信朋友而受騙、甚至賠上性命,因此,應給年輕的男女孩們看看本片,特別是那些願意為他人付出、對他人慷慨、容易忍讓他人、以朋友為中心、講求義氣、渴望浪漫友情等類型的人,不是不能相信朋友,但付出和相處得有界限。我也有好多位學生是繞著朋友轉的,指點他們後,他們會因此比較注意,否則,真的是朋友一叫,段考前一天都衝過去; 聚會待到全部人都離場、最後一個回家; 下雨天騎機車載好朋友回家、自己卻發燒生病,有事情時對方也不幫忙,慷慨的完全沒有想到自己,朋友也沒有為他們想。 #本片金句_錢是靠我本事借來的_憑什麼還給你 🤣🤣🤣


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Watch Out! How Narcissists Set

講自戀型人格的影片很多,這是我看到的第一支清楚敘述設局陷害過程的影片。你也被這樣陷害過嗎? Many a clip discusses narcissistic disorder, but this is the first one detailedly giving an account of the process of their nasty set-up. Have you ever been set up this way?【英語小教室: Many a 是許多的意思,上次有學生誤以為many 跟a 放在一起是寫錯了】


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【一位善良的女人: 一隻狗咬壞她的特斯拉 A kindhea

~影片連結請按圖片~【一位善良的女人: 一隻狗咬壞她的特斯拉 A kindhearted woman: a dog attacked and tore her Tesla

一隻狗為了追趕影片中女人的貴賓犬而咬壞她的特斯拉,女人把過程錄下來,有人質疑她在作秀、為何不將車開走,她解釋 “…我怕開車後,狗會跟著車子、攻擊沿路放學的小孩…(她的全文見這則新聞影片)”The process of a dog attacking a woman’s Tesla for her Poodle was filmed by the woman. Some questioned she was grandstanding ‘cause she did not drive the car away, while she explained: “… I really was trying to keep him away from the kids coming home from school...(All texts are in this news report.)”


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新興毒品殭屍藥Xylazine/Tranq會吃掉人的皮膚、讓人變得像殭屍一樣,這部影片裡有簡潔明瞭的基礎介紹。之前看到影片介紹在賓夕法尼亞州有殭屍街Kensington street,近日說這殭屍街的情況已傳到紐約和美國很多地方。A dangerous, new Zombie drug---Xylazine or Tranq--- rots skin and turns humans into zombies. This clip introduces basic, succinct knowledge about this drug. Before it haunts many places in U.S., including New York city, it had been notorious in Kensington street in Philadelphia.


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2016Olympic韻律體操全能金牌(俄國)瑪格麗特•馬蒙 Margarita Mamun, 2016 Olympic Gold Medal. 記得看過一個採訪,一位記者訪問俄國韻律體操選手的總教練女魔頭Irina Viner說: "你們俄國能準確接到球、棒子那些的秘訣是什麼?" 總教練女魔頭回: "那是我們的秘密"😏 Irina Viner, Russia's legendary rhythmic gymnastics coach, had once been interviewed by a journalist, who asked: "How you Russian gymnasts manage roll, throw, catch ball, clubs and so on so precisely?" Irina the coach replied: "That is our secret."😏

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看幾次笑幾次~我已經不知道點看這幾次了,看他目前有將近八百萬的點閱率,就知道這是大家共同的心聲... 🎊雙十國慶快樂🥳 This is a mockery to Taiwan's soft drinks' "creative" names(LOL). Because there have been too many soft drinks being renamed too creatively to the extent that far more than people can understand. With nearly 8 millions views, one can fairly say many Taiwanese think the same way. I'll introduce some of Taiwan's beverages in another article. 🎊Happy 1010, National Day of Taiwan, R.O.C.🥳

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女性在社會和個人生活中如何不被養套殺? The topic of this podcast is: "How women/girls, as entities in society and personal life, not to be raised(metaphor: given), trapped(metaphor: manipulated/controlled), and then get killed(metaphor: exploited to nothing left)--- A creepy, recent Taiwanese-physical-violence event that has associated with many other "elements", has shocked the public and made many look into and review many aspects." Speakers: Wu Dan-Ru(Host); Deng Huei-Wen(Guest)

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It was about at the start of 12th grade, I and one of my classmates went to Miao-Li苗栗 theater to watch this "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon臥虎藏龍", which later won Oscar Academy Award for Best International Feature Film. After watching it, I felt this movie was so great! Back then when I saw this fighting scene, in which the lead protagonist, Yu Jiao-Rong玉嬌龍 and later-becoming-her-lover role Lo Xiao-Hu羅小虎, I remember I felt these wrestling two very stupid, funny, and this fighting scene most boring one in the whole film. Recently, when I replayed it, one of the messages below the clip said: "The Best date ever" Weird I kind of agree. After all, is there anyone I know starts their love by girls kicking off boys' ass(not back at primary school)? 還記得約是剛升高三之際,我和同學去了苗栗戲院看這部電影,感想只有一個: "好看!!!" 但當時對這段玉嬌龍和羅小虎的打戲覺得"很白痴、好笑、是整部戲中最無聊的一段打戲",最近重看時,看到這影片下方留言有網友曰: "the best date ever(史上最棒的約會)",有笑到~ 想想也是~ 畢竟我認識的朋友中也沒有人的愛情是從女生痛扁男生一頓開始的(除了國小的時候以外)~

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目前世界積分排名第二、世界上唯一一位能五周跳的女性: 雅莉珊德•德魯索娃Alexander Trusova(另外兩位能五周跳的是男性) 有人看過其他花滑選手能在滑動狀態做下方影片的這個超下腰動作嗎? 而且他長得也超可愛~ Presently the 2nd highest scores in Women’s figure skating, Alexander Trusova雅莉珊德•德魯索娃 is, currently, the only female skater able to jump 5 quadruples (the other two are male). Has anyone seen other figure skaters being able to get into such a low back bend when moving on ice like her in the feature picture of the clip below? And her looking is cute~

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看到才想起來“好像小時候考試時也有用書包擋在中間過”🙃 A photo taken shows Taiwanese' pupil days around 1975-1980s, when we took tests, we put schoolbags between the classmate whom we shared the desk with. #我們從未忘記只是沒想起來而已 #神隱少女金句 #ItIsWeHaveNeverForgottenMemoriesButTheyJustHaveNotYetComeToUsTillWeSeeThemAgain #AFamousQuoteInSpiritedAway

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《只要輸入文字,AI幾秒就能繪出不同風格的畫》那麼多事情都已被AI替換,我們更要注重學習、教育,才能有創意、創新前所未見的東西,也才不會被AI替代--- 若不能跑在AI前面,至少要成為能設計更新一代的AI的人。With imputs of few words, AI will create paintings in different styles just within few seconds. When numerous tasks can be substituded by AI, more emphasis shall be laid upon learning and education, so that we can have creativity to build more unprecedented ideas and be irreplaceable against AI--- If one cannot hold the safe lead before AI, at least be one that can design more avant garde AI.

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The Cliff Village懸崖村.png


[The Cliff Village懸崖村 up at Mountain Da-Liang大涼山, Si-Chuan Province四川省, China中國]English subtitles available(click CC on clip screen). I really really really don't dare climb this insanely steep "celestial ladder", which extends itself long enough for a non-resident to spend about 2 hours more to finish climbing up to the top of the mountain Da-Liang, where the cliff village locates at. Even the villagers themselves have to climb for about 1.5 hours to be home. 我真真真不敢爬這個超陡的天梯~ 非此村的居民要花兩個小時多才能爬到山頂的懸崖村,就算是居民也要花約1.5小時才能爬上去。

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為什麼少年得志的人往往會鬱鬱而終? The title of this clip is "why people who have their earliest, mind-blowing success are the most likely to be unsatisfied with their lives at the end of their lives?"


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這不是我家嗎?為什麼會出現在這支影片裡🤔😆🤭Isn't this my home sweet home??? Why it appears in this clip?🤔😆🤭 完全就是我希望的家的邏輯收納、的白色色調🤍、的水畔位置和景觀的模樣😻😍(好啦~可以不用水畔,只要有清新的空氣就好)大膽的說地球上最少有40%的人類希望自己的家是這個樣子---然後剩下的60%不是人😈🤪 P.S.:錢塘江是這房子所在之處,不是我去過錢塘江。 It is exactly the kind of ideal house of mine--- its logical storage and organization, its white tone🤍, plus its waterfront location and scenery😻😍(Fine~ waterfront is negotiable as long as fresh air surrounds.) I would boldly claim that at least 40% of human beings in this earth wish a home like this---with the rest 60% not human at all😈🤪P.S.: It is this real estate at Qian-Tang river錢塘江, Zhe-Jiang province浙江省, China中國; I have never been here.

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真是難得無違和的英中翻譯歌曲的說~~~ Yes~ This song is the Chinese version of “See You Again”. Usually, a translation song sounds somehow awkward or unsmooth with translationese; however, this English-to-Chinese one is incredibly congruent with its English counterpart--- its Chinese words perfectly match the music notes without even a tint of translationese. 一般來說,翻譯的歌聽起來會怪怪卡卡der,但這首是跟英文版一樣順、中文字跟音樂完美貼合、也沒有翻譯腔的感覺~


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【Neom, a future city未來城】大家會想住像Neom這樣的未來城嗎? Wanna live in a future city like Neom? Line, Neom是沙烏地阿拉伯在2017年已發表、正在籌資的一座線性、有鏡面外觀的城市,英國衛報說習近平先生近日的沙烏地阿拉伯之行也會來這裡參觀,以下標點符號" "內為擷自<<英國衛報 The Guardian>>: “In preparation for the visit, which is expected to take in Riyadh, Jeddah and the planned megacity of Neom on the western Saudi coast, plans were under way to hoist thousands of Chinese banners and receive hundreds of dignitaries.” The Guardian also reports that Chinese president Xi’s recent trip to Saudi Arabia may includes Line, Neom, a linear, mirrored-glass city that was announced in 2017 and has been fundraising.


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