~影片連結請按圖片~【一位善良的女人: 一隻狗咬壞她的特斯拉 A kindhearted woman: a dog attacked and tore her Tesla】
一隻狗為了追趕影片中女人的貴賓犬而咬壞她的特斯拉,女人把過程錄下來,有人質疑她在作秀、為何不將車開走,她解釋 “…我怕開車後,狗會跟著車子、攻擊沿路放學的小孩…(她的全文見這則新聞影片)”。 The process of a dog attacking a woman’s Tesla for her Poodle was filmed by the woman. Some questioned she was grandstanding ‘cause she did not drive the car away, while she explained: “… I really was trying to keep him away from the kids coming home from school...(All texts are in this news report.)”