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按上面圖片,會連結到黃大米作家(之前曾是新聞台的主管) 談他在某環境被鬥爭的故事。多年前,我有一位外商人資經理的社會人士女學生跟我說: "他看過的被惡劣對待的人,只要離開不適合的環境、找到適合自己文化的環境,工作表現都能更好、也過得很好(當然前提是自己也很努力做好,而非單方面要求文化環境配合自己)。" 我也很認同: "任何對你不友善的環境,無論是學校、工作、家族、家庭、個人...等等,都要立馬離開,千萬不要陷於報復之中(甚至沉迷於報復); 因果報應無需親自動手。" This shared article is written by Miss Huang黃, Da大-Mi米(pseudonym), who is a Taiwanese writer and was a former manager in news corporations. She shares her own experiences of having been fooled around, in one of the news corporations she had served, by her close working partner--- a photographer. Several years ago, I had a student who was an HR manager in foreign companies. She had told me "All people she knew who had been ill-treated do better and live great when they leave those unfriendly/hostile environments and find culturally compatible environments(Of course the premise is working hard and trying to do better instead of just one-side request of cultural compatibility.)" I agree on this perspective. In all unfriendly -if not hostile- environments, say school, working place, clan, family, individual... etc., just LEAVE. Do Not fall into or even indulge in retaliation, for poetic justice befalls the doers even without you."
***NB是 "an HR manager",不是 "a HR manager"喔

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冷知識: 你知道哪所高中拿下第一屆HBL高中籃球聯賽的冠軍嗎?
Trivia Quiz: Do you know which senior high school won the inaugural HBL championship? (HBL is Taiwan's senior high school basketball League.)

苗栗高中--- 身為校友的我表示震驚和不可思議~


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