目前分類:旅遊Travel (7)

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第一次參加這自媒體的活動也讓我決定要變更我的網址,為什麼? 因為在現場跟同樣是痞客幫的會員互動時,彼此聊天時會互相交換看看彼此的痞客幫和IG等等,我的帳號SayGarlicGarlicGarlic落落長,彼此會花很多時間說和輸入我的帳號是什麼,而且這個帳號會激起對方問: “為什麼你的帳號叫這個?” 那天不知道被問了幾次…… 剛好,最近我的網域一年到期,要決定是否繼續使用這個帳號,所以,我決定不要再用咯~ 而痞客幫告訴我最快要到9/30才能幫我換上新的網站名稱,所以這幾天的網址就會是痞客幫的原網址。My first time participating this self-media activity made me determine to change my domain name, how come? For when interacting with our Pixnet members on the spot, chatting with each other, we exchanged each other’s website and IG to see what others do; however, my account, SayGarlicGarlicGarlic, is just way too long, taking too much time to say and type in, also, this name triggers the questioners to ask: “why is this domain name?” I was asked this question like a million times…… It happened that my domain name expires recently. I got to make a decision whether to keep it or change it; therefore, here comes my decision: change it. Pixnet told me due to some system setup things, the new domain name could only be effective by September 30th at the earliest, so in these few days, my website’s temporary domain name would be the original one given by Pixnet.

很感謝痞客幫辦這個自媒體活動!!! 真的是很棒的活動。短短兩個半小時,真的學到很多~ 本來以為痞客幫辦這個活動,主要是介紹和擴大痞客幫自己,沒想到竟然可以學到那麼多,整個過程緊密、不浪費時間,完全不灌水的活動,最後還給我們帶回很多試用品(一個產品要寫至少五百字心得、拍照等等),圖片中都是我拿的試用品~
I am so grateful that Pixnet held this self-media event. It was really, really great. In this short 2.5 hours, I had learned so much. Originally, before the event, I had thought the purpose of holding this event is to introduce and expand Pixnet itself, never had it come to me that I could learn so much! The whole process is intense, not wasting a little bit of time at all, no watering down at all! And finally, samples were provided if you are willing to write a 500-Chinese-words review for them and take some pictures. In the pic, they were all I brought home with.


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下圖右上方的那瓶是冰水,不是酒,但貼上了賣酒的廣告,南韓很多餐廳都這樣到處宣傳賣酒的廣告~ 台灣則較少喝酒、台灣沒有那麼多賣酒的廣告,不少韓國人因我們台灣人較少喝酒而說我們台灣人很清純~ 台灣人很少喝酒的原因之一是台灣很多各式各樣花俏的飲料,很多外國人也都很愛這些飲料,所以,其實在你想到要喝酒之前,整個肚子都已經被台灣數不盡、又令人魂牽夢縈的飲料給佔據了,當然就沒有想到要喝酒~
The bottle on the upper-right corner is cold water, not wine, but is stuck with wine advertisement--- many South Korean restaurant advertised wine all over. Most Taiwanese seldom drinks alcohol, and wine advertisement is rare seen. Some South Koreans say Taiwanese are so pure and innocent because Taiwanese seldom drink. One of the reasons Taiwanese seldom drink is because Taiwan has many different kinds of fancy beverages, which foreigners love bad as well. Those beverages charm so much to the extent that before you think of wine, your stomach has already been taken by countless Taiwanese intriguing beverages and food that yearn people day and night, so the idea of drinking wine even never appears in many people’s mind……

不少韓國人因台灣人較少喝酒而說台灣人很清純~ Some So


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登登登登~~~ 我2017年到2018年去的喜歡的南韓首爾市清潭洞的人蔘雞湯店~~~
Yoo-hoo~~~ In 2017-2018 I went to a Jinseng-Chicken-Soup Restaurant at 청담동CheongDam dong, in Seoul, South Korea--- it is my beloved restaurant.

아주머님 삼계탕 한 그릇 주세요. 감사합니다~


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洪嘉鈴.png每次回想,我都覺得好幸運能被洪嘉鈴老師教到!!! 前幾個禮拜,我找出2015年跟洪嘉鈴老師上課時,用電腦紀錄下來的很多心得(有電腦紀錄當時打下這些心情的日期,以後再Po這些心得),主要是 "跳芭蕾舞 及 我教和學語言的比較相同點和心得筆記",包括很多學語言和跳舞相同之處、反思審視、還有練習芭蕾舞動作的細節~

洪嘉鈴老師是非常有實力的實力派,跳芭蕾舞真的超好看,空中劈腿跳時,像羚羊一樣輕盈~ 不過,外型柔美柔順的洪老師,可是一點也不柔弱喔,我認為大多數達到高成就的人,都是相當堅毅的,洪老師本人的確也是如此~ 雖然我學芭蕾舞的時間很短,因為當時身為成人的我必須教英文來養活在大台北地區工作和生活的自己,且也自己一人在準備GRE美國研究所考試(我是20165月考GRE的,所以2015年是如火如荼的準備著了),所以雖本來想兼顧芭蕾舞,但時間終究是不允許。雖然我跟洪嘉鈴老師學習的時間不長,但洪嘉鈴老師是值得我學習的對象之一。

My Ballet Teacher in 2015: The Heroine in a TV Series2015年的芭蕾舞老師: 偶像劇<<舞動奇蹟>>的女主角小愛】


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去年2023年底家族去花蓮時(有PO出回程火車票),我就是住這棟傾斜的富凱大飯店,今天第一次看到新聞時還沒認出,幾秒後才想說: "是我住的富凱嗎?"

我很喜歡花蓮~ 太魯閣峽谷、壯觀的景色、生活也悠閒很多,我曾經考慮過長居花蓮,所以,在去年底去花蓮時,我問很多我進去的店家說: "花蓮不是很常地震嗎?會不會很恐怖" 對方幾乎都輕快地回: "習慣了"。 但我實在很難相信能習慣地震,我們只是知道大部份時候不會是大地震而已。

從富凱大飯店走路到已經拆除的天王星大樓,只需要約不到十分鐘~ 我從富凱大飯店走中山路經過天王星大樓約兩次。

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【日劇<<阿信>>裡的銀山溫泉• Ginzan Hot Sp

    日本山形縣銀山溫泉是日劇<<阿信>>裡,阿信媽媽工作一陣子的地方,阿信曾在去酒田的加賀米店照顧小夜小姐前,一個人偷跑到銀山溫泉找媽媽。在<<阿信>>剛開始的約第一到四集,就可以看到老年阿信自己去懷舊之旅的第一站就是跑到銀山溫泉想念媽媽。The Famous Ginzan hot spring in Yamagata County, Japan, is a well-known travel spot because of a popular Japanese TV series in 90’s, <<おしんO-Shin>>. O-Shin’s mother had worked in Ginzan hot spring for a while. When the heroine, O-Shin, was just about 8 to 10 years old, due to poverty, she was going to be sent to a more prosperous place, Sakata shi, to look after a rich family’s little kid. Before going to the working place, she had sneaked to Ginzan hot spring to see her mom. The TV series starts with elderly O-Shin, who had become a rich person owning several big supermarkets in her later life, travelled alone to reminisce her whole life, and you bet that Ginzan hot spring is her first stop to miss her mom, which is shown in the beginning of the whole series, about episodes 1 thru 4.


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【鬼門關夜市•苗栗苑裡 The Night Market o

【鬼門關夜市•苗栗苑裡 The Night Market o

👹鬼門關夜市👹苗栗苑裡】【👹The Night Market of the Close of the Gate to the Underworld👹@Yüàn-Lǐ Township苑裡鎮, Miáo-Lì County苗栗縣】
真的好玩! 沒讓我有一丁點兒

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