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【biro(n.) 英國的一種原子筆品牌--- 如果你的公主

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In <Spare>, Prince Harry’s autobiography, he said once in a Christmas, his great aunt, Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret, gave a biro for him as a Christmas gift; the following dialogue is from the book:


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林黛玉? 誰? 你朋友喔?

林黛玉? 誰? 你朋友喔?

此文封面圖片取自以下網址: https://www.mings-fashion.com/tag/%E6%9E%97%E9%BB%9B%E7%8E%89/


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真是難得無違和的英中翻譯歌曲的說~~~ Yes~ This song is the Chinese version of “See You Again”. Usually, a translation song sounds somehow awkward or unsmooth with translationese; however, this English-to-Chinese one is incredibly congruent with its English counterpart--- its Chinese words perfectly match the music notes without even a tint of translationese. 一般來說,翻譯的歌聽起來會怪怪卡卡der,但這首是跟英文版一樣順、中文字跟音樂完美貼合、也沒有翻譯腔的感覺~且歌詞還原度高!


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驀然回首,那人卻在燈火闌珊處&元宵節 A Romantic


目錄(此篇全文約1880字; All about 1880 words)

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This song, <<Love Before Christian Era>>, is one of Jay Chou’s fascinating songs, with its background set in Mesopotamia and River Tigris, it was Released in 2001, and is still stylish nowadays.

Image Copyright Disclaimer: Featured Picture is the cover of Jay Chou's Album, Fantasy(2001). 封面圖片為周杰倫2001年的專輯<<范特西>>,此圖版權非我所有。

愛在西元前 Love Before Christian Era

作詞:方文山Lyricist: Fang Wen-Shan   


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