目前分類:我的靈異經驗和無法解釋的直覺My Supernatural Experiences and Inexplainable Intuitions (2)

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【2024年10月21日 第一次在白天聽到地鳴聲; 中英全文

20241021日 早上9:18是我第一次在白天聽到地鳴聲,然後就地震了。My very first time hearing the sound of earth rumbling, then in no time an earthquake hit.

白天的地鳴聲真的好巧妙、好容易被忽略,其實我剛才除了聽到外,還有直覺覺得。原本在工作的我,先聽到難以言喻的聲音,不知道為什麼停下來注意這聲音,想說 那是什麼聲音?” 緊接著我的理性思維出現在我腦海中原本是想說 不是什麼聲音吧,但這念頭才剛出現,地震就來了!

    The daylight sound of earth rumbling is so so so subtle that it could be passed easily. Besides hearing something, I actually felt it by intuition. I was originally at work; out of the blue, I just noticed a string of subtle sound, which is beyond description, and I don’t know why I stopped to notice this sound, thinkin’ “what’s that?” Followed by my rationality, which was just trying to dissuade myself “that might just be nothing.”However, no sooner had the thought appeared than the earthquake hit.

    以上將過程細微描述出來而寫了好幾行,實際上整個過程也就是發生在兩秒鐘之內而已~    Many lines have been written out to describe detailedly and thoroughly but the whole process occupied only less than 2 seconds.


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圖片介紹: 我第一次聽見的地鳴聲跟此影片中的有某程度相似,但此影片中的畢竟只是錄音,大家聽時要想像成自己是在現場,這種聲音當場環繞你、或朝你的方向襲來的感覺,才有可能感受為什麼我說這種聲音是 "被蒙住的、悶悶的氣勢磅礡聲"。欲看此影片,請點擊圖片。Illustration: The subterranean-rumbling sound I heard for my first time resembles the recording sound in this news clip to some extent; nevertheless, the sound in this news clip is just recording after all, so when you hear it, imagine you were on the spot, and this sound surrounds you or sweeps towards you, then chances are that you might understand why I describe the sound as "loud rumbling sound of great momentum being muffled". Click the picture to watch the news clip.      



    So far, until today, April 7th, 2024, twice have I heard the sound of subterranean rumbling, one of the portents of earthquake, in about 2022-2023. I heard them at my home where I grew up in remote and quiet hills.


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