【biro(n.) 英國的一種原子筆品牌--- 如果你的公主

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In <Spare>, Prince Harry’s autobiography, he said once in a Christmas, his great aunt, Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret, gave a biro for him as a Christmas gift; the following dialogue is from the book:

I tore off the paper. It was… 我拆開包裝紙,禮物是…

A biro? 一支原子筆?

I said: Oh. A biro. Wow. 我說: 喔~ 一支原子筆。哇~”

She said: Yes. A biro. 瑪歌姨婆說: “沒錯,是一支原子筆。”

I said: Thank you so much. 我回: “謝謝姨婆。”

But it wasn’t just any biro, she pointed out. It had a tiny rubber fish wrapped around it. 她又特地說: “這可不是普通的原子筆喔~ 這可是一支有橡膠小魚包著的原子筆呢!” (橡膠小魚就是包住筆,可以讓寫字比較不會痛的東西,可以搜尋圖片 “biro rubber fish”)

I said: Oh. A fish biro. OK. 我說: “喔,小魚原子筆,好~”

I told myself: That is cold-blooded. 我默默在心中想: “真是冷酷啊”

Now and then, as I grew older, it struck me that Aunt Margo and I should’ve been friends. We had so much in common. Two spares.

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