
第一次參加這自媒體的活動也讓我決定要變更我的網址,為什麼? 因為在現場跟同樣是痞客幫的會員互動時,彼此聊天時會互相交換看看彼此的痞客幫和IG等等,我的帳號SayGarlicGarlicGarlic落落長,彼此會花很多時間說和輸入我的帳號是什麼,而且這個帳號會激起對方問: “為什麼你的帳號叫這個?” 那天不知道被問了幾次…… 剛好,最近我的網域一年到期,要決定是否繼續使用這個帳號,所以,我決定不要再用咯~ 而痞客幫告訴我最快要到9/30才能幫我換上新的網站名稱,所以這幾天的網址就會是痞客幫的原網址。My first time participating this self-media activity made me determine to change my domain name, how come? For when interacting with our Pixnet members on the spot, chatting with each other, we exchanged each other’s website and IG to see what others do; however, my account, SayGarlicGarlicGarlic, is just way too long, taking too much time to say and type in, also, this name triggers the questioners to ask: “why is this domain name?” I was asked this question like a million times…… It happened that my domain name expires recently. I got to make a decision whether to keep it or change it; therefore, here comes my decision: change it. Pixnet told me due to some system setup things, the new domain name could only be effective by September 30th at the earliest, so in these few days, my website’s temporary domain name would be the original one given by Pixnet.

很感謝痞客幫辦這個自媒體活動!!! 真的是很棒的活動。短短兩個半小時,真的學到很多~ 本來以為痞客幫辦這個活動,主要是介紹和擴大痞客幫自己,沒想到竟然可以學到那麼多,整個過程緊密、不浪費時間,完全不灌水的活動,最後還給我們帶回很多試用品(一個產品要寫至少五百字心得、拍照等等),圖片中都是我拿的試用品~
I am so grateful that Pixnet held this self-media event. It was really, really great. In this short 2.5 hours, I had learned so much. Originally, before the event, I had thought the purpose of holding this event is to introduce and expand Pixnet itself, never had it come to me that I could learn so much! The whole process is intense, not wasting a little bit of time at all, no watering down at all! And finally, samples were provided if you are willing to write a 500-Chinese-words review for them and take some pictures. In the pic, they were all I brought home with.

我們這一代,見證了整個科技的快速起飛、商業模式的轉變,且還有願景觀望著未來,猶記我讀研究所的2011-2013年時,好像還沒有網紅和這個詞; 約在2004至2007年我讀大一到大三時,曾寫過網路文章,後來2007年在紐約暑期工作,覺得自己不懂的事情實在太多,為了要專心向學,就關了網站,將所有心力專心學習。直到2021年再開始寫,剛開始時,覺得 “天啊,怎麼發個文,比2007年時複雜那麼多!!! 還什麼SEO???” 那時2021年自己建立網站的心得也寫在我網站的文章中了,總之,慢慢學著學著… 現在也還在學……
Fellows in my generation have witnessed unusually fast technological change and business models of rapid transition in our time; also, we still look forward to the future possibility. Reminiscing back to 2011-2013 when I was in graduate school, it seemed there were no KOL, influencers, and terms as such. In 2004 to 2007 when I was in college from year 1 to year 3, I had written articles on my then blog, but after that, my 2007 New York summer job made me feel I am insufficient in so much knowledge, so I quit writing and focused on learning. It was not util 2021 that I started posting on website again, and “boy, it was so perplexing just to post an article online! Much more complicated than doing it in 2007. And what is this SEO stuff?” Well, the process of establishment of a brand new website was recorded in my article on my website then in 2021. I am still learning, a step by another…

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