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【前新聞人黃大米三十幾歲時心肌梗塞發作的經驗談】 "累積的壓力"會造成心肌梗塞,心肌梗塞不是只可能會在很累的時候爆發,而是也可能會在身體覺得一切都很平常的時候突然爆發,所以平日就不要累積壓力,如果覺得壓力太大,那就換工作吧(黃大米就是這樣,發生這次心肌梗塞後,他不是只有馬上辭職而已,更是直接退出壓力大的新聞業)。 <<This clip is a former journalist's experience of myocardial infarction in her 30s>> "Cumulative stress" triggers myocardial infarction. The attack may happen not only when people feel tired but also when they do not feel a thing; therefore, do not let stressors accumulate or drain our buckets. As to how to cope with work-related stress, this former journalist not just resigned immediately but also left stressful news industry permanently after this heart attack of myocardial infarction.


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對<<清明上河圖>>有興趣的人,應該會覺得這位馬未都博物館館長講得非常好又非常仔細,像這裡面有提到我們很多漢語母語者都誤會的事情,就是: "清明上河圖"的"清明"不是清明節的意思,因為此畫中有人吃西瓜、搖扇子等等,故此名畫是在畫夏天,不是在描繪清冷的清明節,而畫名的"清明"是指"當時政治清明生活安定"之意。In this Chinese TV program, a curator, Mr. Ma Wei-Du馬未都, is elaborating a famous Chinese painting, also a national treasure and a significant heritage from Song dynasty, <<Qing-Ming Shang He Tu清明上河圖>>. The most compelling characteristic about this panoramic, long painting lies in the feature that more than 800 people’s daily life, different architectures, streets, stores, activities and sceneries were all drawn in in this literally very long painting. As famous and cherished as it has always been though, many Chinese natives( including me) do not know the following fact: the vocabulary "Qing-Ming清明" in the title of this national treasure has been frequently and incorrectly referred to chilly Qing-Ming Festival in the beginning of April, when the painting is genuinely depicting summer because there are people in the painting eating watermelons and waving fans. The vocabulary “Qing-Ming清明” in the title of this national treasure actually means “political and social stability and security so that people can live securely and at ease during this period of age”. Therefore, it is conceivable that many Chinese-to-English translations wrongly entitle this painting about “Qing-Ming Festival”, like one on Wikipedia falsely translates it as “Along the River During the Qing-Ming Festival”. More information about this intriguing painting on Wikipeia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Along_the_River_During_the_Qingming_Festival


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【Chóng-Qìng重慶】"我們都是重慶"---電影<<聽風者>>的這一幕,讓多少人的心都碎了... 我想去重慶看看這古代的巴蜀之國,變成當代到處都是"你的一樓是別人的20幾樓、40樓、或更高樓層"的城市峽谷。Chóng-Qìng重慶, a city of gorge reflecting on its architectures and hence geographic landscapes, is astonishingly magnificent, magical and fantastic: people think they are standing on 1st floor, but their 1st floor is actually others' 27th, 40th floor, or higher floors. I'd really love to visit this enthralling magic land, where has prospered since ancient time.

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重慶 洪崖洞.png


【Cave Hong-Ya, Chóng-Qìng 重慶 • 洪崖洞】Chóng-Qìng重慶, a city of gorge reflecting on its architectures and hence geographic landscapes, is astonishingly magnificent, magical and fantastic: people think they are standing on 1st floor, but their 1st floor is actually others' 27th, 40th floor, or higher floors. I'd really love to visit this enthralling magic land, where has prospered since ancient time."我們都是重慶"---電影<<聽風者>>的這一幕,讓多少人的心都碎了... 我想去重慶看看這古代的巴蜀之國,變成當代到處都是"你的一樓是別人的20幾樓、40樓、或更高樓層"的城市峽谷。


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👍A clip with great explanations and abundance of knowledge. The speaker briefly but comprehensively introduces knowledges of standard Chinese, classic Chinese and seven dialects in Chinese speaking areas, which many native Chinese speakers may not be able to introduce fluently--- though the speaker might have used teleprompters. Anyhow, it is marvelous for a non-native Chinese speaker to explain and introduce the general Mandarin to this extent, excellent!👍解釋得很好、知識含金量很高的影片~ 講者簡短且全面地說了一些連很多母語漢語者都未必說得出來的漢語、古漢語和漢語圈七大方言的淵源和知識(雖然講者也有可能用讀稿機),總之,一位母語非漢語者能將漢語解釋得這樣,很強了!

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[高獲利的都是有問題的Anything with high profit is fake]曾被推薦直銷產品多次,但那些明顯就是騙局,雖然我沒有相信,但還真是擔心相信直銷的人😶 或許不是直銷有問題,而是產品本身夠不夠好,產品夠好讓消費者願意一再購買,當然能賺錢,然而,大部分加入直銷的人是站在希望自己能賺錢的角度思考,而不是站在顧客的角度想:“直銷的產品是不是真的是顧客需要的”,更沒有想過“產品是不是真的對顧客好”。Having been toutted products schemed by multi-level marketing several times; those were scams, obviously. Though never have I believed them, I do worry people believing high-profit multi-level marketing😶 The problem may not lie in multi-level marketing itself but the quality of products involved. Of course, any High-quality products that do meet consumers' demands always get paid, but most who take part in multi-level marketing, instead of thinking for consumers, just consider earning money for sellers themselves, so that questions like "if the products are truly needed by customers" and "if the products are really helpful to consumers" are totally left out concern.

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大家應該都很擔心猴痘到底長怎麼樣?在這之前都沒有很多照片,直到7月21日國際四大醫學期刊之一的《新英格蘭醫學期刊》之研究報告公布了很多猴痘感染者身上猴痘的照片(是今年這波猴痘爆發“後”的猴痘感染者之猴痘照片,“不是”在今年猴痘爆發“前”的猴痘照片):(1)請點入下方網頁;(2)點入後往下方滑,找到“supplementary material”;(3)點入“supplementary material”後會看到“supplementary appendix”,按“supplementary appendix”後就會開始下載;(4)打開“supplementary appendix”此檔案後,往下滑,大量圖片在此檔案之下方。Many worry how monkeypox lesions look like. There had not been many photos of monkeypox lesions until July 21st, NEJM, one of the four most prestigious medical journals, published a monkeypox research report with lots of photos of lesions on infected patients--- these photos were taken after this year's outbreak, not those taken before this year's outbreak. (1)Go to the following website; (2) Find out "supplementary material" & click it; (3)Click "supplementary appendix" to download; (4)Lots of monkeypox lesion photos are at the lower part of this "supplementary appendix".
請按此連結後,按照以上步驟觀看Monkeypox Virus Infection in Humans across 16 Countries — April–June 2022 | NEJM


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大家會想住像Neom這樣的未來城嗎? Wanna live in a future city like Neom? Line, Neom是沙烏地阿拉伯在2017年已發表、正在籌資的一座線性、有鏡面外觀的城市,英國衛報說習近平先生近日的沙烏地阿拉伯之行也會來這裡參觀,以下標點符號" "內為擷自<<英國衛報 The Guardian>>: “In preparation for the visit, which is expected to take in Riyadh, Jeddah and the planned megacity of Neom on the western Saudi coast, plans were under way to hoist thousands of Chinese banners and receive hundreds of dignitaries.” The Guardian also reports that Chinese president Xi’s recent trip to Saudi Arabia may includes Line, Neom, a linear, mirrored-glass city that was announced in 2017 and has been fundraising.

觀看網址: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kz5vEqdaSc&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR2UJfPGtuzdnbZR8EXW1dayah3lYtgGcT3nLxGVtiCOTRsHa8dFvEMMGPs


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