【Cave Hong-Ya, Chóng-Qìng 重慶 • 洪崖洞】Chóng-Qìng重慶, a city of gorge reflecting on its architectures and hence geographic landscapes, is astonishingly magnificent, magical and fantastic: people think they are standing on 1st floor, but their 1st floor is actually others' 27th, 40th floor, or higher floors. I'd really love to visit this enthralling magic land, where has prospered since ancient time."我們都是重慶"---電影<<聽風者>>的這一幕,讓多少人的心都碎了... 我想去重慶看看這古代的巴蜀之國,變成當代到處都是"你的一樓是別人的20幾樓、40樓、或更高樓層"的城市峽谷。