對<<清明上河圖>>有興趣的人,應該會覺得這位馬未都博物館館長講得非常好又非常仔細,像這裡面有提到我們很多漢語母語者都誤會的事情,就是: "清明上河圖"的"清明"不是清明節的意思,因為此畫中有人吃西瓜、搖扇子等等,故此名畫是在畫夏天,不是在描繪清冷的清明節,而畫名的"清明"是指"當時政治清明生活安定"之意。In this Chinese TV program, a curator, Mr. Ma Wei-Du馬未都, is elaborating a famous Chinese painting, also a national treasure and a significant heritage from Song dynasty, <<Qing-Ming Shang He Tu清明上河圖>>. The most compelling characteristic about this panoramic, long painting lies in the feature that more than 800 people’s daily life, different architectures, streets, stores, activities and sceneries were all drawn in in this literally very long painting. As famous and cherished as it has always been though, many Chinese natives( including me) do not know the following fact: the vocabulary "Qing-Ming清明" in the title of this national treasure has been frequently and incorrectly referred to chilly Qing-Ming Festival in the beginning of April, when the painting is genuinely depicting summer because there are people in the painting eating watermelons and waving fans. The vocabulary “Qing-Ming清明” in the title of this national treasure actually means “political and social stability and security so that people can live securely and at ease during this period of age”. Therefore, it is conceivable that many Chinese-to-English translations wrongly entitle this painting about “Qing-Ming Festival”, like one on Wikipedia falsely translates it as “Along the River During the Qing-Ming Festival”. More information about this intriguing painting on Wikipeia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Along_the_River_During_the_Qingming_Festival
- Nov 30 Wed 2022 11:06
(影片Clip)清明上河圖Qing-Ming Shang He Tu清明上河圖