【真的能有讓人輕鬆就將英語考試考高分的考試技巧和方法嗎? A


🐦先下結論: 堅持不懈的努力才是最重要的,方法和技巧不是沒有,但卻是建立在努力之上的~ 沒有努力所累積的實力,也無法良好發揮方法和技巧。
🐦Conclusion First: Insistence, perseverance and hard working are all that matters most. There are indeed some techniques and methods; nevertheless, they are built upon hard working; without solid foundation accumulated by working hard and enduring tenaciously, one cannot wield these techniques and methods well.

Teaching English for more than 19 years, I have been constantly encountering students and parents looking for test techniques and methods to English language tests; as for foreign language tests, they especially refer to TOEIC, TOEFL, GRE, GMAT, etc.. Let us contemplate:
"Should there be test techniques and methods to achieve high scores in English language tests, why are there so many people who neither test well nor learn English well?"

🌞從以下六個問題,就可以知道根本沒有考高分的考試技巧和方法: From these following six questions, we know that there is barely any testing techniques and methods:

(一) 如果有能教將英語考試考高分的考試技巧方法的老師,那為什麼這些老師一直在補習班教、而沒被更高薪、更有名望的學校挖去授課?
(1) Should there be these phenomenal teachers who could pass high score methods and techniques, then why these teachers are not head hunted by more high-paying, more prestigious schools?

如: 台北美國學校、台北歐洲學校、私立名校如薇閣國際班、康橋、復興中學部等等,這些學校有很多學生需要將英語考試考好以申請國外名校,所以,若有這樣的老師,學校和家長早就會探聽到了,至少也會有家長高薪聘請這些老師當自己孩子的家教--- 若是真有這種老師,又怎會是大部分人找家教請得起的價碼。
Schools like Taipei American School, Taipei European School, and some illustrious private schools, like international branch of WeGo, High school of Cambridge, Fu-Xing, etc., many students in these schools need high scores to apply for schools in foreign countries. As a result, outstanding teachers with these secret recipes must have been invited to teach in their schools or families--- the price of hiring these teachers would not be affordable to most population.

(二) 當看補習班的漂亮榜單時,問一問榜單上有多少是今年度的、有多少是之前好幾年的,你會發現很多補習班的榜單是混年度的榜單,而非榜單上只有該年度的學生。
(2)When watching and admiring the shining high-score records publicized by English learning centers, remember to ask and make sure how many records on it are achieved in this year, and how many are achieved in previous years. You will find that many learning institutes’ high-score records are not selected in single year but mixed with those in previous years.

為什麼很多補習班會用多個年度的高分榜單來吸引人目光? 當然是因為一年中,考高分的人根本沒那麼多,這也帶出其它問題:
“榜單上若有五十個今年度高分,那有多少倍的學生沒在榜單上? 有多少倍的學生根本沒考好或考很差?”
Why so many institutes include high-score records in previous years to attract attention? I bet you know that it is because not so many high-score students in single year, which brings out other questions:
“If, this year, 50 students hit high sores, how many times of the student number are not qualified to be on the list--- in other words, how many do not perform well or even fail the exam?”

例如: 若一個補習班一年招生480個人,卻只有60個人是真的高分(不過有些補習班為了招生,把其實沒那麼高分的人也放上榜單),那高分的比例是八個人中只有一個是高分--- 若標榜考試技巧和方法,那請問考試技巧和方法真的那麼有效嗎? 顯然根本沒有,否則怎會八個人中,七個人不是高分。
A scenario: if an English learning institute has 480 students in a year, with 60 students hit high scores---but some institutes put not so high scores on the records in order to attract more people enroll. Therefore, in this case, the ratio of high scores is just 1 person in 8 people. If this is the effect of “high-score testing techniques and methods, then are these secret recipes really effective and useful? Obviously not. Otherwise, how come seven others do not perform well.

(三) 去看看各補習班的英語考試如托福、GRE的榜單,為什麼頂大或名校的學生居多? 因為這些學生本來就較努力,補習班是教了這些學生沒錯,但同時,這些學生的程度本來就比較好、進補習班前的努力就比別人多得多,所以,就算在同樣的教法中,也當然就能較輕鬆的考高分;
(3)Just behold the luminous records of TOEFL, GRE posted by the institutes, why are there occupied by many students of high-ranked, prestigious universities or schools? Because these students have been working hard far from enrolling the institutes. Indeed, the institutes teach these students, but these students’ high level ability precedes them from the others, and everyone knows it is why they perform well much easier than others under the same teaching methods.

  而很多學習上沒那麼努力的人,明明是在同班、跟同位老師學,結果卻差很多,若老師教的考試技巧那麼有用,那怎麼會成績差那麼多??? 若考試技巧和方法那麼有用,不是應該全班都考高分嗎? 至少百分之六十能考高分吧? 結果怎麼會是八個人裡只有一個人高分、也就是只有百分之12.5!!!(沿用第二點的例子)
However, people who do not learn so hard, even taught and advised by same excellent teachers with equivalent great methods, do not test or perform as well as those learning hard. Should the test techniques and methods work so well, why not all members in the class score high? At least it should be 60 percent. Nonetheless, the outcome is clear: one in 8 performs well, that is just 12.5 %(in the case of point 5).

(四) 如果有能讓人輕鬆就考高分的考試方法和技巧,那為什麼還有那麼多人去英語考試補習班? 為什麼外語補習班還處處林立?
(4) If there were such techniques and methods, why are there still so many people registering English learning institutes and why ubiquitous English learning institutes out there?

(五) 如果有能老師能教輕鬆就考高分的考試技巧和方法,有可能他的方法和技巧不會外流嗎? 又怎需要人去尋找讓人能輕鬆許多就考高分的考試技巧和方法?
(5)Should there be any lecturers able to teach high-scores testing techniques and methods, is it possible that their "secret recipe" would not leak out? How come would people have to search these?

(六) 如果上過這種老師的課的學生都考高分,那這些學生中,一定也有一些人可以拿這些考試技巧和方法去當家教或補習班老師。
(6) If students who attend these classes of effective testing techniques and methods all hit high scores, it is definitely, among these students, that some of them take these secret recipes to teach others as tutors or lecturers in English learning centers.

年復一年,隨著時間流逝,這些學習方法早就外流了; 各家補習班老師為了競爭,早就將這種方法學下來了,那知道這些考試技巧方法的人應該多得是,哪裡需要人尋找考試技巧和方法?
As time goes by, a year after another, all these secret recipes should have been leaked out; teachers in different units have used these methods as their own to increase their competitiveness; thus there should be many people who know these techniques and methods, then one can be easily informed these recipes without even asking.

(七) 就算是台北美國學校、薇閣國際部等以英語教學為主的學校,都要培養十多年,托福才能得到高分,怎麼會有人認為用考試技巧方法就能追上這些人努力十多年的成果?


    如果有,以這些家庭的富裕,為什麼要花那麼多錢、讓孩子學那麼久,也去上那些考試技巧方法的課程不就好了嗎? 就算是為了實力,但很多人都愛面子,富人也是,不會希望自己的孩子落後其他同齡孩子太多,因此,如果有托福考試技巧讓其中一個孩子十二、十三歲就用考試技巧方法將托福得到高分,其他家長一定也會群起效尤,因為很多人都愛面子,不敢說全部人,但一定很多人會爭相打探是上什麼課程; 知道後,也會很多學生去上這種課程,那這樣很小就用考試技巧得高分的人就不會只有少數幾個,又何必會到滿十五到十七足歲才將托福考高分。

(八) 補習班公布的托福榜單中,很多差滿分一、兩分的人,都在他們推薦該補習班的心得題到: 自己小時候在國外留學幾年,是後來才搬回台灣的。

    用道理的邏輯來推論,不是很簡單就能知道有沒有考試技巧嗎? 這些很簡單的推論,在我看來很簡單,為什麼還要追求考試成績呢? 不過,我後來想想,會是因為他們不了解台北美國學校、薇閣國際班等等的情況嗎畢竟真的很多學習者沒接觸過這些學校的學生,只是聽我說,所以不相信我或許吧,這也是為何家教不能當長期職業發展的原因就算你說的是真的,對方未必相信也不去查證。


🐦結論: 堅持不懈的努力才是最重要的,方法和技巧不是沒有,但卻是建立在努力之上的~ 沒有努力所累積的實力,也無法良好發揮方法和技巧。
🐦Conclusion: Insistence, perseverance and hard working are all that matters most. There are indeed some techniques and methods; nevertheless, they are built upon hard working; without solid foundation accumulated by working hard and enduring tenaciously, one cannot wield these techniques and methods well.

圖片: 鬼門關夜市的套圈圈。The photo is a game stand in 【The Night Market of the Close of the Gate to the Underworld】 The items tossed by plastic rings are yours.

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