一、 第一冊第七面之內容:
二、 本面看到的翻譯重點: 可以看到同本書不同語言的翻譯差很多。
三、 本面六個台灣教育體制國高中教的語法點、用法:
一、 第一冊第七面之內容:
二、本面看到的翻譯重點: 可以看到同本書不同語言的翻譯差很多。
我們可以從這邊的日翻中、和日翻英的內容,看到有很大的差異,這翻譯出來的中文版和英文版都是譯者各自從日文理解而翻譯出來的,到底日文原文是寫什麼? 想知道的人就要自己去看日文原版了。
Yes, you were right when you said that I shouldn’t want a toy car when I was already in sixth grade.中的 “that I shouldn’t want a toy car when I was already in sixth grade”為名詞子句。
that thing that happened between you and me will haunt me for the rest of my life.中的 “that happened between you and me will haunt me for the rest of my life.”為限定型形容詞關係子句。
But I wanted that car, which you could control with commands you gave it through a microphone, so badly I couldn’t resist it. 中的 “, which you could control with commands you gave it through a microphone,”為非限定形容詞關係子句。
(三之三) 雖然看起來好像很長,但這句整個只是一個名詞而已,不是一個完整的句子,請看: that thing that happened between you and me will haunt me for the rest of my life.看到這整個只是一個名詞而已了嗎?
此限定型形容詞關係子句that happened between you and me will haunt me for the rest of my life修飾名詞that thing,所以,整個只是一個名詞而已--- 如此之用法,在大學很多科系使用之原文教科書中,名詞解釋和專業術語的解釋經常使用這樣的用法。
(三之四) 高中到大學會教逗號後面不可接關係代名詞的that(但其實真實語料中有這麼使用,見<>); 然而,若意思是代名詞或形容詞、意思為“那個”的that則可以在逗號後面出現,此句即為後者: And more than anything, that thing that happened between you and me will haunt me for the rest of my life.
(三之五) 整體結構要好才能輕鬆了解很多句子,包括這句“But I wanted that car, which you could control with commands you gave it through a microphone, so badly I couldn’t resist it.”,這就是為什麼每天讀英語學習雜誌要標清楚結構(SV等等)。
此句中間插入形容詞子句,後面的so badly是修飾wanted,主句為: “But I wanted that car so badly I couldn’t resist it.”但因補充說明自己想要的那台車是什麼樣子的,所以才插入那句形容詞關係子句 “, which you could control with commands you gave it through a microphone,”。
(三之六)國中文法so… (that)…此面用到兩個這句型:
(3-6-1) But I wanted that car, which you could control with commands you gave it through a microphone, so badly I couldn’t resist it.中的 “so badly (that) I couldn’t resist it.”
(3-6-2) It took me months, but when I had finally saved up enough I was so happy I yelled “Hooray” out loud! 中的 “so happy (that) I yelled “hooray” out loud!”
四、 來源和購買資訊:
(四之一) 本圖片和文字皆出自: <漂流教室> 第一集中英文版 第一章 那個早晨 Volume 1; Chapter 1: That Morning
(四之二) 英文版和西班牙文版線上免費閱讀:https://mangadex.org/chapter/99fc7fa7-8ccd-4880-a337-38ce6dfdad47/1?fbclid=IwY2xjawIp_wdleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHaasELHTIuwE-0po8afJ28pWaNBCxAs5ux7I9WFt1yn7RCFodcQRnrlQcA_aem_TOYWTtKV_eK7kKZRojpz8A
(四之三) 美國亞馬遜網站賣的英文版(我不確定英文版有幾集,欲購買者須自行查清楚): https://www.amazon.com/-/zh_TW/gp/product/B0B3DB4W4S/ref=ewc_pr_img_1?smid=A1AGQW3JY46SNZ&psc=1
(四之四)台灣博客來賣的中文版: 博客來-漂流教室盒裝典藏版 https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010756917?sloc=main